Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dotty Hotties

Well the photo shoot went really well, the three girls were fabulous and they all suited their respective dresses beautifully. They and Duncan worked really hard on what turned out to be rather a long and tiring day. Who would have thought that it would be so exhausting. I was lucky because I only had a five minute drive home at the end of the day, whereas the others had to travel to Manchester, Wolverhampton and Bristol!!! It will all have been worth it though when we see the photos I'm sure.

We were so lucky to have had such a beautiful sunny day, especially as we had planned a picnic shoot in the Rock cemetery opposite the shop. Such a beautiful and interesting place and a wonderful setting. As well as having the picnic as a prop we also all tucked in to some lovely food to set us up for the walk into town.

Well the girls literally stopped traffic. The three of them in their cute, short, spotty dresses strutting down Mansfield Road was a sight to behold and the beeps and wolf whistles were well deserved. We managed to get some great urban shots on the way to our main destination, the Market Square which was hosting the annual Nottingham Riviera, basically a man made beach in the middle of Notts. Garish and tacky, maybe but the colours perfectly complementing the fun primary colours of the dresses what with the Helter Skelter and Hook A Duck , adding a saucy postcard nod. And of course, no visit to the heart of the city is complete without a shot by the famous left lion.

All in all a fabulous day, topped off by meeting up with my family for a drink and a cuddle with my beautiful little neice Isla....perfect.

Some (not very good) snaps of the photographer taking photos....thank god I left that job to him, it gives you a little sneak preview and I will post the actual photos when I get them.

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